100 Best Dishes
in the World
Out of 10,927 cataloged dishes, based on 395,205 user ratings (271,819 valid), these 100 dishes received the highest ratings.
100 Best Cuisines
in the World
Based on 395,205 (271,819 valid) dish ratings, and 115,660 (80,863 valid) food product ratings, these cuisines have recorded the best average ratings for their respective top 50 highest-rated dishes and food products. If two cuisines have the same average rating, the one with the highest-rated dish is ranked higher.
Best Food Cities
in the World
Out of 16,601 cities in our database, based on 395,205 (271,819 valid) user votes, these 100 cities have recorded the best average ratings for regional and national dishes most commonly served in them.
Best Food Regions
in the World
Based on 395,205 (271,819 valid) dish ratings, and 115,660 (80,863 valid) food product ratings, these regions have recorded the best average ratings for their highest-rated dishes and food products.
Best Foods by Category
Out of 10,927 cataloged dishes, and 6,119 food products and ingredients, based on 395,205 (271,819 valid) dish ratings, and 115,660 (80,863 valid) food product ratings, these foods have recorded the best average ratings, per category.
Most Legendary
Ice Cream Places
These 100 gelaterias and ice-cream parlours stand out for their longevity, reliability, and iconic status.
Most Legendary
While new cookbooks are published around the world every day, many of them outstanding, these 150 most legendary cookbooks that have played a pivotal role in defining cuisines and have taught the world’s best chefs to cook are a lasting treasure and heritage.
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