Best Food Cities
in the World
Out of 16,601 cities in our database, based on 395,205 (271,819 valid) user votes, these 100 cities have recorded the best average ratings for regional and national dishes most commonly served in them.
Best Foods by Category
Out of 10,927 cataloged dishes, and 6,119 food products and ingredients, based on 395,205 (271,819 valid) dish ratings, and 115,660 (80,863 valid) food product ratings, these foods have recorded the best average ratings, per category.
Most Legendary
Dessert Places
Out of 23,751 traditional eateries serving local dishes in our database, these 150 dessert places stand out for their longevity, reliability, and iconic status. These are not just places to eat, but also cultural institutions for their cities. They are ranked taking into account three criteria: longevity, visitors ratings, and the TasteAtlas ratings of the iconic desserts they offer.