
Do you know which are the most commonly used ingredients in your cuisine? We do

Do you know which are the most commonly used ingredients in your cuisine? We do

From our database, we have extracted information about the ingredients used in the preparation of various dishes. The differences between the cuisines/countries are, as expected, huge.

While some countries might surprise you (cumin in Morocco or coriander in Georgia!?), there is no person who cannot guess which is the most common ingredient in French recipes.

Take a look at the five most commonly used ingredients, cuisine by cuisine, and let us know what you think about it.












Austria Belgium butter potato Brazil Bulgaria China garlic Colombia Croatia CzechRepublic onion France shallot flour egg Germany tomato Greece Hungary parsley paprika India Ireland Italy Poland Morocco Denmark Netherlands Norway Portugal Cuba Romania Slovenia Spain coriander ginger Sweden Thailand England USA soysauce Japan Mexico Armenia SouthAfrica Egypt Ethiopia blackpepper Argentina Bolivia Canada Chile Jamaica Peru Georgia Australia Iran Singapore Taiwan Pakistan Indonesia Azerbaijan Israel SouthKorea Lebanon Malaysia SaudiArabia Philippines Russia Serbia Switzerland ingredients türkiye oliveoli
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